Zight Screen Recorder App Reviews

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They change their pricing / features on you. Avoid them and just use Dropbox.

Way too expensive for the casual user! I will discontinue the use of this app.

I have used this app for a few years now as a casual user (5 uploads of small sized screenshots a week). It’s perfect and easy to share screenshots. Now they are only giving you 10 drops a month. The base plan is $8.25 a month 500mb/file. I dont need that. I mean I pay that for netflix and I can stream many GB’s per month. They have compltely ruined this product.

Ads and pricing just too much...

This app used to be great. The UI is beautiful. But the in-app ads for their outrageously priced cloud service are too annoying, and now you can only upload 10 files. I moved to FileUp. FileUp works with my free Dropbox account. Its not as pretty as CloudApp, but works basically the same way. Maybe one day CloudApp will support Dropbox.

Great App - Don’t be confused by others comments.

Super awesome UX for sharing partial or full screen captures. A couple key presses, select the area you want to screenshot, and in the next instant the short url to that image is automatically copied to your clipboard. The same goes for sharing other files, just drag and drop them on the CloudApp icon and have a link immediately. Don’t heed others warnings about pricing, they are simply confused. This is NOT Dropbox, $10/mo for 500mb file sizes does not mean that you are paying to have a hard limit of 500mb for all of your uploads combined. This is a PER ITEM limit. It means if you want to share a huge binary or zip file for some reason, you need a plan that supports that size of file. If all you use this is for is the superior UX for screenshot sharing, you should be gladly paying $10/mo for this! Admit it, you spend more on coffee than this every week.

Terrible new pricing

Cloudapp went from offering 10 uploads a day (more than enough) to 10 uploads a month(what???). The number of uploads I could make dropped 97%. Find a better service.


It’s a shame when app developers get greedy. I agree with all those who mention the outrageous price of this app. It was free, and I’ve used it for a long time. Why not just charge 3 or 4 bucks for it? I’d pay it. But I surely won’t pay $99.99/year! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Anyway, I went with Monosnap. It allows you to make screenshots. Draw on them, if you wish. Shoot video, and share your files. Its fast, easy and… its free! Save your money. Send this app to the TRASH!

Ridiculously expensive for what it is

I mirror the sentiments expressed here by others. The app is just ridiculously overpriced for what it does, and extremely crippling for the casual user. 10 uploads a month? Blanket enforcement of 10 uploads a month? That’s just insanely crippling. Better sense would’ve been in enforcing x MB a month for the free tier, if not 100-1000 free uploads a month. Honestly I thought it was a typo when I received their email. I can understand their point of view as well. If they give away a good product for free, why would anyone pay? But by imposing such draconian limits, you, the devs and owners have limited the use and adoption of your once amazing app, and seriously angered your base who have a MULTITUDE of options to choose from. At the end of the day, there are just so many competing services who do the job just as good, if not better. Sadly it is time to move on, and uninsall this app. It was a fun run while it lasted.

Doesn’t work with Yosemite

The program used to work well, but even before Yosemite was released, uploads were failing. Customer support is almost non-existent. Empty promises with no solution. I would suggest that buying this app is not only a waste of your money but also your time. They have repeatedly said they are working on it but the app fails the majority of the time, when you need it the most. I seldom complain, but in my opinion, Apple should pull this app from its store. I paid for a year’s subscription and had so much trouble that I asked for a refund. They in turn apologized and said they’d give me another year for free. What good is two years of a failing app? I’ve now done what I should have done first, got an upgrade for Dropbox that works all the time!

Superb service very brilliant!

I uninstalled the app & was not using it. I HAD to cancel my account which they did. Yes the pricing is very high… however the service is Excelent! No complaints there. Very nice and super service! Rating this for the service, great job!

This app become complete useless

After they change the number os “Drops” per month (was 25 per DAY, now its 10 per MONTH!!!!) it’s become complete useless. This is a great service, but it doesnt worth at all to pay to upload simple screenshots. I rather drag my screenshot.png. Thanks for ruining a great service, uninstalling!

Great app & service, except for the pricing

CloudApp is beautifully designed, it doesnt get in your way and its a prime example of software that does just one thing, but does that thing exceptionally well. I love the customizable keyboard shortcuts and the app is generally a joy to use. But theres one thing that bothers me about the service: the pricing. I am a casual user, I dont need hundreds of uploads a day. But sometimes I do need more than 10 and Id be willing to pay for the occasional use case where I need 15, maybe 20 uploads. But 10 bucks a month? For a couple more uploads? I cant justify that. The "Rain" plan, the lowest of the three plans, offers way more than I need - give me a plan that serves my needs and costs a buck or two a month and Im in. I dont need unlimited uploads, I dont need custom branding or domains and I dont need to share 500MB files, thats overkill for me. Please introduce a plan for casual users at a reasonable price, you might win over a LOT of free users who would never sign up for a pro account with the current pricing. Edit: just days after I wrote this review, CloudApp finally changed their pricing structure - hallelujah! But wait a minute, what just happened here? Instead of listening to customer demand and introducing a reasonably priced plan for casual users, they practically ruined the free tier by limiting it to 10 uploads a month. Yes, you read that right, 10 uploads A MONTH!!! You gotta be kidding me, CloudApp. Granted, the "Rain" plan has a sightly better price now at $ 8.25, but only if you pay for a whole year up front. Frankly, I dont want to spend that much money at once - and $ 10 for the monthly plan is still completely unreasonable. I feel like the CloudApp folks overestimated how valuable their service really is - because lets face it, CloudApp does very little, considering the price point. Its a great service with a great user experience, but no way is it worth more to me than Netflix. I understand that CloudApp has to monetize and I am absolutely fine with paying a reasonable price for the services I use. I dont like ads and I generally prefer a service that charges some amount of money and thus has a sustainable business model. But the current pricing structure from CloudApp is way out of line. I hate to say it - because I love the service - but Im out.

Ruined by greed

This app was great before they started pushing their Pro version at the expense of the free version. They shamelessly advertise that you can "Share unlimited files", despite the fact that if you want anywhere close to "unlimited" (read: more than 10 a month) you have to pay for Pro. This is a recent greedy development that they tried to sneak in. I wont be using this program any more, there are plenty of free, better alternatives.

Great Update

This is an awesome update, with alot of new features included in the app. Best new feature in the application is password protection for specific files. This was functionality that was available on the web version, and now it is native to the app. Keep up the good work CloudApp

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